Saturday, July 10, 2010


...were made, decorated and delivered to the neighbours today to celebrate their newly born son.


Vanilla cupcakes
(makes about 20 cupcakes)

230 gr butter
230 gr sugar
230 gr all-purpose flour
15 gr baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 eggs

1.) Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
2.) Pour all the ingredients into a medium large bowl and mix well.
3.) Put paper cupcake forms into a baking tray for muffins and add a heaped tablespoon of the dough into each form.
4.) Bake the cupcakes for 20 minutes on the middle rack of the oven.
5.) Let the cupcakes cool down for 5 minutes in the baking tray, before removing them to a rack to cool down more.
6.) Decorate with buttercream frosting and coloured marzipan as desired.


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